Become a Kentucky FIRST Robotics Sponsor
Our Mission:
The mission of Kentucky FIRST Robotics is to establish a robust and sustainable FIRST Robotics program throughout the state of Kentucky. We will do that by removing barriers and supporting access to the programs. A the heart of this mission is to give youth from pre-school through high school the ability to thrive in our high-tech world by providing opportunities for growth and success in the areas of problem-solving, communication and experience with technology. Kentucky FIRST Robotics wants all students in the state to have the opportunity to explore STEAM and bring forward their own personal interests and talents so they are confident to join the workforce in engineering, information technology, programming, skilled trades and leadership.
Our Vision:
To inspire the next generation of problem solvers and leaders.
Benefits of Sponsorship Include:
Access to our Alumni pipeline
Unique employee Volunteer Opportunities
Positive community recognition of your company
Company logo displayed prominently within community where future workforce and customers live
Renewed inspiration for company employees
Recognition at events and on social media
A stronger, more prepared, creative and skilled future labor force

Types of Sponsorship:
Financial sponsorship of strategic initiatives and programs
In-kind donations of equipment, facilities, tools and parts
Scholarships & internships for students
Employee volunteerism and engagement
Team grants & support
Kentucky FIRST Sponsors come from various industries and groups. All of our sponsors are critical to helping us fulfill our mission of bringing FIRST programming to every community in Kentucky. We are grateful for the support! If you would like more information on ways that you can support Kentucky FIRST robotics, please email kelli@kyfirstrobotics.org.
Thank you to our Current Sponsors!
Current Sponsors
